Praca Junior Frontend Wrocław

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Junior Digital Frontend Developer  

Kaczmarski Group - Wroclaw, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, pl

O projekcie ~ Drugą grupą projektów są aplikacje (zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne), które integrujemy z API dostarczonymi przez inne zespoły...

od: - 4 dni temu

Junior Frontend Developer (internship) NOWA  

Micro Solutions - Wrocław

We are Micro Solutions - instead of corporate structures and formalism we prefer a friendly atmosphere, individual approach and, above... bezpłatny staż

od: - 15 dni temu

Junior Frontend Developer  

Monterail - Wrocław, Lower Silesian Voivodeship

A few years ago, we organised Ruby & Vue boot camps and met passionate people during the process. We are still collaborating with some...

od: - 18 dni temu

Lead Developer (React + .NET)  

Spyrosoft - Wrocław

We are looking for a Lead Developer with deep expertise in React and Frontend Architecture to join our dynamic team. In this role,...

od: - 12 dni temu

Senior Frontend Engineer - AI Trading Platform  

Caspian One - Wrocław

Join one of the world's leading investment banks to build a groundbreaking AI-powered trading platform. As a Senior Frontend Engineer...

od: - 25 dni temu

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Junior Frontend Wrocław