Praca IT - Telekomunikacja Rzeszów


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AEM Back-end Developer  

Sii Sp. z o.o. - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

Sii is the leading technology consulting, digital transformation, engineering, and business services vendor in Poland. We already employ...

od: - 11 dni temu

Software Engineer (React, Typescript), Rzeszów  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

By joining us, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and create projects with international brands such as Google, PayPal, Amazon...

od: - 9 dni temu

DataOps Engineer  

Cyclad Sp. z o.o. - Rzeszów

Utilize BigQuery for dataset management, schema definitions, and advanced SQL-based transformations (e.g., pivot, unpivot, window functions)...

od: - 2 dni temu

Software Engineer (Rust, Go), Rzeszów  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

We are looking for a talented person for the Software Engineer (Rust, Golang) position for one of our platform’s most important projects...

od: - 12 dni temu

Technical Lead ( (Java Background), Rzeszow  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

Consulted on strategic and tactical changes that may affect the tribe in terms of Technology, Architecture, IT Security and DevOps

od: - 12 dni temu

Bulgarian Email Support Specialist  

LeasingTeam Group - Rzeszów

*LeasingTeam Professional has implemented a whistleblowing procedure (via email) in accordance with whistleblower protection regulations...

od: - 2 dni temu

.NET Software Engineer - Desktop Applications  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

We are looking for a .NET Software Engineer to take our platform to the next level. This role will be part of blazing a new trail of...

od: - 12 dni temu

Senior .NET Developer  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

posiadasz głębokie zrozumienie .Net/.Net Core i solidne zrozumienie zasad zorientowanych obiektowo, masz wysokie umiejętności komunikacyjne...

od: - 12 dni temu

Senior DevOps Engineer (AWS/Azure)  

SCALO Sp. z o.o. - Rzeszów

uczestnictwo w projekcie dot. tworzenia oprogramowania/infrastruktury dla firm publicznych/rządowych, które chcą tworzyć kopie zapasowe...

od: - 3 dni temu

IT Solution Designer  

TN Poland - Rzeszów, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, pl

Degree in Computer Science or a similar relevant field of studies or completed vocational training as well as several years of relevant...

od: - 12 dni temu

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